In this Lia Sophia evaluation, I'm not going to assessment whether or not Lia Sophia is a gimmick. This business has been growing and offering fashion jewelry for a lot more than thirty years, proving their legitimacy in the multi-level marketing industry. I do intend to investigate the venture business that they offer to determine if Lia Sophia is a viable home venture option for you.
Lia Sophia is a multilevel marketing business business that has been operated by the Kiam family since 1986 with a mission to supply beautiful jewelry together with offering financial security for those who partner with them. Should you have a wish to market the products that you enjoy from Lia Sophia, at similar time as profit from these efforts, you can join Lia Sophia for a price of $149. You are going to be provided with a starter kit with sufficient products and supplies to conduct your 1st 5 home parties or shows. You will also be provided with a pre-built web site for an additional $9.95 each month. The Lia Sophia pay plans plan will reward you inside the form of commissions ranging from 20% to 30% for every product that you sell on their behalf. As you sponsor new Advisors to join your group, you will reap the rewards of their personal production as well. Just like many other Network marketing businesses that exist inside the market place today, the Lia Sophia venture model is dependent upon word of mouth and direct selling. You are going to be encouraged to prospect amongst your friends, relatives, neighbors, and close associates to invite them to host a home party, and invite others to attend. At this party, you are going to showcase the jewelry, take orders, attract new members to join you, and see if anyone else who is in attendance would like to host a party of their own. These methods of venture building are very familiar within this industry, and unfortunately, only 3% of those who attempt a business in this manner actually earn a substantial income. However, I do think that Lia Sophia is a reputable opportunity for the proper kind of person. Although successful businesses have been built inside the past using the methods that they train, this venture would be best suited for somebody who has the expertise to market outside of their small network of family and friends. Also, is fashion jewelry going to be the most effective product to offer in today's economy, since it is not a necessity? This is definitely food for thought, but if you believe you have the expertise to grow this business, then Lia Sophia may be a great enterprise to pursue further.Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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