This review is for you should you be questioning if Monitium is a smart preference as a home business platform. I am labeling it a platform rather than an Multilevel marketing company because that's exactly what they claim. Contrary to public opinion, when a organization or whatever they want to call themselves comes up with a income opportunity and put it upon them selves to disclaim network marketing, it's time to run the other way.
As always, I was in my office attending to some group associates when a guy hit me up on skype. We generally don't entertain such unwanted request but I chose to since I was incredibly excited about some momentum that just happen within our mastermind inner Circle. Earlier, I also received an unsolicited e-mail about Monitium inside my private email.Is Monitium a fraud? I wouldn't claim that as of yet or may be never. Nevertheless I will point out to you how to identify red flags in New companies like Monitium. One factor that the majority of folks need to understand in the mlm industry is that it is a real industry like any other. Therefore Top controllers in MLM can be very shady especially when they are starting off a new company. I know people personally that have been offered millions of dollars to bring in their whole team from their previous MLM Company into their new company. It happens all the time.
I quote. "Don’t worry about understanding everything today, just look at the Living Legendary Leaders who are endorsing this unique business platform," says Monitum's website at press time. Endorsements are a fantastic thing. Just don't base your decision to sign up or continue with Monitium on just that.I know there are biased Monitium reviews out there on the internet that are written by those people who are associated with this so called platform. I am not involved with them. I was simply pitched with this opportunity and I gave it a thorough review using a checklist that you deserve to lay your hands on.I quote again. "We don't sell any products and service, we simply protect you from you being left out on the streets after building a huge organization," said Monitum's associate which I spoke to. Any organization that's building a compensation structure which they have admitted to and do not have any service or product that's changing hands with the public is known as pyramid scheme. Sorry.Am I proclaiming that Monitium is a pyramid scheme? NO! Nevertheless, one and only thing that is nearest to services that they are giving is for you the network marketer. In the legal world or on "American greed", you would be referred to as an investor. Never mind that Monitium call you associates.The service is representing you with the best MLM firms as they state and you can be in charge of your career. "Just recruit people into their platform." I do not know about you. That appears to me that they will take control of your career from the other MLM companies.Monitium is not a Network marketing firm as they claim but there is a multilevel marketing comp plan structure. The last time I checked, MLM is an acronym for Multilevel marketing. What do Monitium really do?They may be correct that you don't own your Network marketing business account at any Network marketing company. One and only thing you hold is your prospects list and your relationship with that list. When you build a list and relationship with that list, you can control it and partner with any company you choose without worrying if they will shut down next minute.Making your own list is constructing your own empire for you and not for Monitium or any other company. Today, there are cheap and easy to use infrastructures online to build a massive list and takeover any company you enter. That is the only solution to cover your home business and not by giving control to another company or platform like Monitium.
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